Repeater info
Downlink: 147.000MHz
Uplink: 146.400MHz
Offset: -0.600 MHz
Tone: 136.5 (TSql)
VHF Repeater Net
The North Texas Amateur Radio Society has been graciously afforded the opportunity to utilize the N5IWM 147.000 – (136.5) repeater by the Johnson County Amateur Repeater Association. We hold a weekly net on that repeater every Wednesday night at 8pm. There will be no net on meeting days, but there will be an unofficial chat as we drive to dinner following the meeting.
40m NVIS Net
NTARS strongly supports the local DFW 40m NVIS net which is held on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Saturday of the month at 2pm on 7.252MHz. It doesn’t take much to get into the net so give it a shot!
North Central Texas 2m Simplex Net
There is a well established simplex net on 146.580MHz FM that happens every Friday at 8pm. There’s also simplex activity on that frequency for about an hour before the net. See how far your station will reach and have some fun with more than 100+ regular check-ins across 20 counties. Check out their Facebook group for more info.
State of Texas Dept of Emergency Management RACES HF net
State of Texas Department of Emergency Management RACES operators hold a net on 40m (7.255MHz) on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 1600 Central time. This net is only for RACES operators with a State issued ID.
Secretary/Treasurer, North Texas Amateur Radio Society
I was originally licensed in 2017 and very much enjoy Parks on the Air, field operations, and computer radioing like Winlink and FT8. I like experimenting with homebrew stuff and sharing all the information I discover. My shack is equipped with a Yaesu FT-991a, G5RV, Jr., and a Tram 1480 for VHF/UHF. For POTA, I use Wolf River Coil or a JPC-7 dipole for rapid deployment and ease of use. My trade is IT (specifically server infrastructure and Cloud services development) and I currently host this website, among other services for various clubs, and am responsible for its content.
The tone on 147.000 has changed. The new tone is 136.5. I apologize for the late notice.
Thanks Todd N5IWM
Thanks Todd! Kenny told me a couple days ago and I’ve been slow to get the page updated. 🙂