The North Texas Amateur Radio Society, ND5DX, deployed to the QTH of one of our club members and operated under field conditions for the weekend. A fantastic time was had, great food and drink shared, improvised operating conditions practiced, and knowledge in the hobby advanced.

Secretary/Treasurer, North Texas Amateur Radio Society
I was originally licensed in 2017 and very much enjoy Parks on the Air, field operations, and computer radioing like Winlink and FT8. I like experimenting with homebrew stuff and sharing all the information I discover. My shack is equipped with a Yaesu FT-991a, G5RV, Jr., and a Tram 1480 for VHF/UHF. For POTA, I use Wolf River Coil or a JPC-7 dipole for rapid deployment and ease of use. My trade is IT (specifically server infrastructure and Cloud services development) and I currently host this website, among other services for various clubs, and am responsible for its content.