Countdown to Field Day
Field Day 2023 is quickly approaching! Join us June 23-25 at Fort Richardson State Park (site 4 & 5). We'll be staying in the air conditioning buildings. Logging will be handled via a networked edition of N3FJP's logger software with a centralized server running. So you don't have to worry about handling all those pesky logs!
Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday.
Bands: 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- and 10-Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above,
Any mode supporting the Field Day exchange is allowed. For a complete list of rules, see the rulebook.
Club member should feel free to register and comment below describing the equipment you intend to bring and the bands you would like to operate on. While we may not have space for everyone to have a station setup, we will definitely have rotations and places you can operate.
Excerpt from official rules
3. Date and Time Period: Field Day 2023 will be held June 24-25. Field Day is ALWAYS the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and ending at 2059 UTC Sunday. 3.1. Class A and B (see below) stations that do not begin setting up until 1800 UTC on Saturday may operate the entire 27-hour Field Day period. 3.2. Stations who begin setting up before 1800 UTC Saturday may work only 24 consecutive hours, commencing when on-the-air operations begin. 3.3. No class A or B station may begin its set-up earlier than 0000 UTC on the Friday (Thursday afternoon or evening local time) preceding the Field Day period. Cumulative set-up time shall not exceed a total of 24 hours.
Can't wait to see ya there!
Secretary/Treasurer, North Texas Amateur Radio Society
I was originally licensed in 2017 and very much enjoy Parks on the Air, field operations, and computer radioing like Winlink and FT8. I like experimenting with homebrew stuff and sharing all the information I discover. My shack is equipped with a Yaesu FT-991a, G5RV, Jr., and a Tram 1480 for VHF/UHF. For POTA, I use Wolf River Coil or a JPC-7 dipole for rapid deployment and ease of use. My trade is IT (specifically server infrastructure and Cloud services development) and I currently host this website, among other services for various clubs, and am responsible for its content.
I’ll bring my FT-991A and the 100Ah battery box. For my antenna I’ll stick with the BuddiPole. I’d like to do 10m phone; but I’m flexible.
I’m bringing my FT-991A, WRC SB-1000 (either ground mounted or on a vehicle mount), a car battery, and AC battery charger. I’ll work on 15m or 20m… or whatever is available really. The SB-1000 tunes 10-80m. I plan on my radio being available for hot swapping operators since I’m a tad bit ADHD. I don’t have a long length of coax though, so if someone has an extra stretch (Richard) I might be borrowing it.